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Tiada pengumuman buat masa sekarang

Penang State Responsibility Center Division


  • Managing the administration of sanitary maintenance contracts, State Court.
  • Manage the administration of departmental contracts.
  • Managing matters related to Court security.
  • Manage department vehicles, access cards and parking.
  • Manage Department Identification Pass and Authorization Card applications.
  • Manage and implement all types of procurement through direct purchase, quotation and e-Bidding.
  • Managing the administration of Movable and Immovable Assets and Stores.
  • Administer the security of Departmental Files in accordance with the Official Secrets Act and the National Archives.
  • Manage housing, computer and vehicle loan applications.
  • Manage the maintenance of Internet access and telephone lines.




  • Planning and implementing human resource development and departmental staffing.
  • Provide advice related to service matters.
  • Manage the administration of service affairs in terms of confirmation in service, extension of probationary period, entry into pensionable positions, acting and promotion, job retention, transfer and retirement.
  • Administer Service Record management.
  • Prepare Income Change Statement (Kew.8) for Annual Salary Movement, Allowance Eligibility and Facilities according to current regulations.
  • Manage disciplinary actions.
  • Managing Property Declarations.
  • Organizing internal courses.
  • Manage overseas applications.
  • Managing the affairs of the Annual Performance Evaluation Report.
  • Administer and monitor the HRMIS system.
  • Manage nominations for Federal and State Honors, Stars and Medals.





  • Manage, administer and implement matters related to government revenue from the receipt of revenue to the issuance of receipts through the ecf system.
  • Manage, administer and be responsible for the Lower Court and High Court deposit accounts.
  • Maintain ledger trust accounts and individual balances.
  • Responsible for preparing payment vouchers and supporting documents for deposit refunds.
  • Checking and maintaining Trust, Deposit and Revenue Reconciliation Statements.




  • Manage all types of bills and claims under the Managing Budget and Dependent Budget.
  • Managing the Retail Cashier.
  • Manage payroll.
  • Issuing Local Orders and processing related payment vouchers.
  • Maintain departmental contract administration in the eProcurement system.
  • Reviewing and maintaining the Management and Development Adjustment Statement.
  • Generate and maintain all financial reports




  • Planning, preparing and detailing every Physical Development plan for the Penang State Court from all aspects of Engineering.
  • Manage and implement maintenance and repairs for ALL ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES, ensuring the Penang State Court buildings and facilities function properly.
  • Review of the needs / additional facilities based on the current addition of functions for the Penang State Court.
  • Ensuring that the Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and architect maintenance of the State Court runs well and follows the correct Engineering procedures and meets the department's requirements.



  • Monitor the duties of private Security Guards from time to time.
  • Supervise contract workers doing work in the courthouse.
  • Ensure that every visitor who deals in the court is registered & wears a Security Pass.
  • Carry out security patrols inside and outside the court building as well as the boundaries of the building area according to the schedule.